eSIM Product


The evolution of the mobile industry has heightened the demand for diverse point-of-sale solutions.

To enhance and expand Mobily's eSIM services, we partnered with our collaborators to provide eSIM services through the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

With the eSIM APIs, Mobily customers can effortlessly purchase and activate their eSIM in just seconds through our partners' platforms and applications.



  • apikey: It will be provide by Mobily team
  • JWT: You need to generate the JWT from Authentication & Authorization Product


Sequence Diagram for Visitors eSIM Activation:                                                                                 Sequence Diagram for Partners:

Visitor_eSIMTygo sequence diagram






















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Authentication & Authorization Product


The evolution of the mobile industry has heightened the demand for diverse point-of-sale solutions.

To enhance and expand Mobily's services, we partnered with our collaborators to provide Mobily services through using our Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

As required to be Authorize to use Mobily APIs, this product will provide the required information for the Authentication.



  • apikey: It will be provide by Mobily team
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Prepaid Recharge


"The mobile industry's evolution has increased the need for different recharge platforms.

In order to elevate and expand Mobily's recharge services, we collaborated with our partners to offer recharge services by utilizing Application Programming Interfaces (API).

The Recharge API allows Mobily customers to conveniently recharge their balance in seconds via our partners' platforms and applications."

Error Code

Postman Collection

Recharge sequence diagram

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